450 E 96th St, #500, Indianapolis, IN 46240
450 E 96th St, #500, Indianapolis, IN 46240
Depression….everyone faces it at some point in their lives. It is one of the most common problems in America. Anyone can become depressed. However, depression is more than just feeling unhappy, bored, or fed up. When these feelings persist, they can begin to affect your everyday life.
It is one of the most common sources of mental stress. And like any other stress, it can be overcome with some hard work and a bit of help. In some cases, it requires counseling or even hypnotherapy.
On this page, we will take a closer look at depression and how hypnosis may help you overcome your depression.
Living with depression is hard on both you and your family. It can affect how you eat, sleep, work, and feel. While others may tell you that you just need to ‘suck it up’ or ‘get over it’, those suffering from severe or even moderate depression, know it is easier said than done. It is not a sign of weakness, only a symptoms of a problem.
When you suffer from depression it may be hard to even describe the depth of your feelings. It can be overwhelming. Others feel emotionless. Numb. This can lead to a breakdown in relationships and when untreated, can have massive effects on various aspects of your life. From health to finances, work, and relationships, depression can wreak havoc on our lives. If you suspect you are suffering from depression it is adviced that you seek help from a medical professional.
While there are some common symptoms, it affects people in a variety of different ways. Some symptoms are psychological. Others are physical. Symptoms can persist for long periods of time and general interfere with your family, social, and professional life.
The simple truth is that there is no single cause. What we do know is that it can develop for a number of different reasons. In some people, it may be brought on by a stressful or traumatic event. For others, bereavement or divorce could cause depression. We also know that in some individuals it is a chemical malfunction of sorts, where the brain fails to produce enough serotonin.
In addition, research indicates that the older you get, your chances of developing depression increases. This risk is intensified if the individual grew up under negative social and economic and environmental factors.
Here are a number of circumstances that can put you at risk:
While there are many ways in which to treat depression, you should always contact your doctor first. The following is simply a list of practices that your doctor may recommend.
Hypnosis is gaining wider recognition as a treatment for depression. It is used by some psychologists in psychotherapy to uncover the root cause of negative feelings and emotions. This can help alleviate or remove your symptoms. The aim of hypnotherapy as a treatment is to target the root cause and develop better coping mechanisms. Many of us forget or suppress the cause of our depression because of the association with negative feelings. While this is easy to do on a conscious level, our subconscious always remembers.
The aim of hypnotherapy as treatment is to target the root cause of the issue and to develop better-coping behaviors. Many of us forget or suppress the cause of our depression because of the association with negative feelings. While this is easy to do on a conscious level, our subconscious always remembers.
Due to this fact, it is always better to confront the issue head-on. Burying our feelings only deepens them. Bottling them only causes them to break out at the worst possible moment. And eventually, it all comes back to bite us with a vengeance.
By connecting with the subconscious mind directly, your hypnotist will address your perceptions of the event. This will allow you to examine the cause of your depression with the aim of improving your self-esteem and mood while helping you regain your independence.
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