450 E 96th St, #500, Indianapolis, IN 46240

Virtual Hypnosis Sessions

Virtual Hypnosis Sessions are now available as a brand new service!

Here at Hoosier Hypnosis, we aim to roll with the times and practices of an ever-changing world. We know that many of you are at risk due to health conditions and COVID. While we prefer to see you in person if possible, we understand and appreciate the concerns of our clients. We hope that this new service will allow more people to obtain the help they need without any additional anxiety or concern.

The great news is that Hypnosis is possible anywhere. By yourself, with a trusted friend, at home, or even from far away. With the marvels of modern technology, anyone trained in hypnosis can perform hypnosis from anywhere. In-person or online. For some, the prospect of doing hypnosis from home may even be a comfort, allowing for deeper relaxation and focus.

With that said, we would be remiss to offer this option without also sharing the Pros and Cons of such a session in comparison to an in-office visit. Given that we strive towards the most ethical practice at Hoosier Hypnosis, we want to make sure that a Skype session is appropriate for you and your situation. So before you pick up that phone, please finish reading this page and make sure that your situation and setting is appropriate for an online session.

Is A Virtual Hypnosis Session Right For You?

What you Need

While possible, you do need to make sure that you have a few things to ensure that your hypnotic digital experience is effective:

What is the same?

Ultimately aside from location, a Skype session is fundamentally the same as an in-person session. You will still fill out the paperwork (either ahead of time or online). You can still change anything that you are personally and sincerely ready to change within your life. And the techniques and interventions used will be the same as if you came to see us in the office.

Ultimately, the pros of an online session boil down to the following:

What is different?

For better or worse we live in a global community now. This means that we have plenty of options for all our services. Skype is just another program that makes it possible. And while I advocate that some hypnosis is better than none, I cannot say that Skype sessions or audio files are even equal to an in-person session. The limitation of these other technologies and applications is just enough for me to still say that an in-person session is far superior to the other two. Face to face therapy can never really be substituted.

Of course, just as there are pros there are also cons to an online session, which I would be ethically remiss to leave out:

Regardless of where we serve you, Hoosier Hypnosis is Happy to address any of your needs and aims to be accessible as we possibly can to all of our clients.

If you have further questions feel free to call us or check out All About Hypnosis, your go-to spot for all hypnotic news, information, and questions.