Sugar Time
For a number of reasons, Autumn is a time we associate with sugar and sweets. There is just something about sweater weather, the changing leaves, pumpkins, and Halloween, that seems to send us into a sugar craze. And after Halloween quickly follows Thanksgiving and Christmas. Two more holidays are known for their decadent treats and sugar consumption.
Sugar is a deep ancient craving that may be linked to our evolutionary history. according to Daniel Lieberman, an evolutionary biologist at Harvard University and author of “The Story the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease.” Not only can sugar act as energy (the other source being fat), but it helps us store fat.
Science of Sugar
When we eat sugar our bodies break it down into glucose and fructose. Fructose appears to activate processes that cause you to hold onto fat while glucose is a form of energy. We are fairly sure this is due to a time in our history when food was scarce. When hunting was less reliable hanging onto fat was an advantage, not a health risk like is now. It was meant to stop us from starving to death…a worry few of us have today.
Other research shows us that sugar is more addictive than cocaine. Which means it’s also easy to become addicted to it. Even easier when you consider the burst of energy or short-term high we call a “sugar high”. A sensation released along with endorphins into the body giving us a temporary mood and energy boost followed by a crash. Easily obtained, it provides a quick reward response in the brain making it difficult to kick the habit, even when it begins to affect your health.
Sugar Addiction
Sugar addiction is relatively easy to spot. It’s not like drinking or drugs. We don’t have to hide it in a society where it is available in everything we eat. Restaurants often put sugars in their sauces. Foods from the store have it hidden in them under other names. And candy sits right by the checkout to tempt your sweet tooth.
And once you’ve had it, you get the cravings. Especially after your high has worn off. The most obvious behavior of sugar addiction is eating lots of things with high sugar content.
Other symptoms of sugar addiction include:
- Skin problems such as acne along the jaw, premature wrinkles, and aging.
- Inflammation, even in those too young to have such problems.
- Taste buds are dulled to foods that others describe as super sweet.
- Increase in cavities.
- Constant cravings for things that have even the smallest amount of sugar in them.
- Low energy.
- Flatulence and bloating.
- Bad gut health.
- Low sex drive
- Weakened Immune System
- Weight Gain
- Insomnia/poor quality of sleep
Hypnosis For Sugar Addiction
Hypnosis works towards changing your mindset towards the future. What you want and desire to be. We all know that making those changes is hard. our job is just to help guide you to a more positive method of thinking so that you can change your behaviors to ones that would be more beneficial.
Many of us have an unhealthy relationship with sugar. In many cases, the latest research on nutrition has not caught up with what doctors and schools are teaching families today. While we are not nutritionists, we are here to help. All you really need is a little push in order to take that step forward in order for your mind, body, and teeth will rejoice in a better future. And if you’ve struggled to kick a sugar habit already, you know that willpower will only get you so far.
It’s the power of suggestion that can give you that last little kick over the edge into a healthier mental, physical, and emotional outlook on life.
Willpower can only get you so far but it is the power of suggestion from hypnosis that will send you over the edge towards a healthier lifestyle, both mentally and physically. Breaking a candy habit is the same as breaking any bad habit, and a little suggestion can go a long way. From helping you broaden your taste buds (to combat cravings) to helping you mentally make better food choices, the power of suggestion can help.
If you’re interested in learning more about hypnosis for weight loss or addiction (whether it’s sugar or not) check out our services. And if you want to learn more about the hypnotic process itself check out All About Hypnosis our epicenter of educational articles and resources for everything you could likely want to know about hypnosis.
And…if you’re ready to finally kick your sugar addiction call us for a free consultation at